Day 21- Rejoice

Through Lent with Pope Francis

Often discernment is exercised in small and apparently irrelevant things, since greatness of spirit is manifested in simple everyday realities. It involves striving untrammelled for all that is great, better and more beautiful, while at the same time being concerned for the little things, for each day’s responsibilities and commitments.

Gaudete et exsultate


Luke 10:38-42 NCB

Jesus came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 
She had a sister named Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying.
But Martha was distracted by her many tasks.
So she came to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me.” 
The Lord answered her: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and upset about many things, when only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Thought for Today

In the passage from Luke’s Gospel above both women have their task. Martha prepares something for Jesus (and the disciples?) to eat, while Mary keeps Jesus company and listens to him.
Jesus’ response to Martha’s complaint seems to suggest that both should continue the way they are.
In so many situations in life, many tasks are necessary to ensure things go smoothly. Some roles might seem less important than others, but usually, all are necessary. Let’s not judge ourself on the importance of the tasks we have to do, rather happily do our bit to serve others.
“Do little things well”.


Magnificat – Canticle of Mary sung in Latin by Harpa Dei