Knowing Jesus, an online retreat for Lent is produced by the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Glasgow.
Thanks to the Artists
The Ignatian Spirituality Centre would particularly like to thank the people who have freely offered their pictures to illustrate this Lent Retreat.

- John Bateson-Hill
See the John Bateson-Hill Website
John Bateson-Hill – Painting for Sale - Mike Quirke
See the Mike Quirke Website
Buy Mike’s art: - René de los Reyes
The original water colours of René were available from the ISC @ £25 each, profits to charity.
The size is 29.5cm x 42cm. Contact: email - Jessica Willetts
My work emerges within Jesus’s presence as a type of prayer. I seek to respond to God’s heart beat though interacting with light, time, structure, colour, scale, texture, issues and surface. Using everyday objects and materials, many recycled, I often transform them, in order to reveal hidden value and beauty. Nothing is too mundane, everything can be repurposed, it’s a form of redemption, of hallowing, of loving, a reminder that everything and everyone can be made new. If you want to know more or are interested in seeing more of my work contact me at [email protected] - Alice Robertson
Alice Robertson – Paintings for Sale - Other pictures are found in the public domain and were taken from WikiMedia and the pictures of James Tissot from the Collection of Brooklyn Museum
Thanks to other Helpers
Thanks for proof reading and ideas to Elizabeth Harrison
Thanks to all working from Jesuit British headquarters in Mount Street,
London for logistics and publicity.
Thanks to Philip Billson and all at BBC Radio 4 Morning Service for their help.
Thanks to the staff at the ISC Glasgow for help and support.
We thank all group leaders and particularly those who have participated in the retreat.
Thanks to Sid O’Neill at Highland for the App and technical work on the Website.
Quotations from the Bible
All Bible quotations are from the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Available on the Bible Gateway